We are proud to be the first center for smartlipo & plastic surgery in NYC to offer Lipo AI to our patients. Combining laser energy and AI (artificial intelligence), Lipo AI is the first and only FDA approved body contouring device to utilize AI and dynamic algorithms to create an enhanced patient experience while achieving tighter contours and smoother skin. Learn how this minimally invasive liposuction technology can help you achieve lasting results without a long recovery process.
What is LipoAI?
LipoAI is a minimally invasive body contouring device that achieves liposuction results with an easier recovery . It is the newest generation of energy assisted liposuction devices used for fat reduction and skin tightening in the targeted treatment area. Similar devices in the past have included laser devices such as SmartLipo, SlimLipo and CoolLipo and radiofrequency assisted devices such as ThermiTIght and BodyTite. Lipo AI represents a tremendous advancement over the earlier devices because of its AI algorithms, power and energy profile. Lipo AI is precise, dynamic and intelligent!
How does LipoAI Differ from Liposuction?
LipoAI is different from traditional liposuction because LipoAI melts the fat cells first. The melted fat is more easily removed allowing the use of smaller and thinner instruments. This leads to a smoother recovery and minimal bruising compared to conventional liposuction. This all translates to less downtime and a quicker return to daily activities including work and gym. For many patients, as soon as the next day.The laser energy has an additional benefit in that it tightens the skin helping achieve a smoother body contour.
Which Parts of my Body Can I Treat with LipoAI?
LipoAI is a great solution for treating all areas that require skin tightening and/or fat removal that typical laser liposuction could do in the past. Potential treatment areas include: abdomen, love handles & waist, thighs, knees, calves & ankles, arms, neck & jowls, bra roll, and the male chest. This body sculpting treatment procedure can treat areas that retain fat, excess skin, or fat that you are seeking to eliminate.

Which Areas Can You Treat with LipoAI?
- Abdomen: flanks, waist, love handles
- Legs : Inner and Outer Thighs, Knees, Calves and Ankles
- Arms
- Back: bra line, upper and lower back and waist
- Neck & Jowls
- Male chest (gynecomastia)
How Long Would a LipoAI Procedure Take?
The average AI procedure is under two hours including the administration of the tumescent (local) anesthesia. Some areas such as the jowls and neck take as little as 30 minutes. Our plastic surgery practice is dedicated to receiving excellent care and quality service for each procedure including Liposuction. For more questions pertaining to your individual needs, schedule a consultation with our luxury med spas in Manhattan or Westchester, New York.
Who is an Ideal Candidate for LipoAI?
Liposuction procedures, including laser liposuction and SmartLipo, are not a substitute for diet and exercise. Lipo AI, arguably the most advanced body contouring available today, is for candidates that must be at a reasonable BMI and in good health. Lipo AI is perfect for treating those hard to lose areas that are resistant to diet and exercise. It achieves the perfect combination of fat removal and skin tightening.
What Should I Expect After My Treatment?
After the procedure our patients are placed in a compression surgical garment and are able to leave the office within 15-20 minutes after the Lipo AI procedure. There is minimal discomfort compared to alternative liposuction and fat removal procedures due to the Lipo AI laser technology. Some candidates experienced minimal redness, bruising, or swelling. Patients may return to work or the gym the next day if they feel comfortable.
What is PLUS?
The PLUS technology is a non-invasive technology which is available on the Lipo AI device. It increases blood and lymphatic circulation to make a rapid recovery even faster. Paired with our advanced cosmetic surgery team and Laser AI Liposuction, you can feel confident as you embark on this fat removal and skin tightening journey for your body.
Schedule a Consultation
Curious about removing stubborn fat from your body? Liposuction is a safe and effective way to remove unwanted fat and tighten skin. Rothaus Plastic Surgery provides an inviting facility with advanced procedures and state of the art technology for your individual cosmetic and plastic surgery needs. Our skilled staff work tirelessly to deliver the results you desire for your dream body! Schedule a consultation with either our luxury Med Spas in Manhattan or Westchester, New York by calling (212) 737-0770.

About Dr. Rothaus
Kenneth O. Rothaus, MD is a board-certified Manhattan and Westchester plastic surgeon offering cosmetic and reconstructive surgery for the face, breast, body, and skin. Educated at Yale College and Harvard Medical School, Dr. Rothaus’ general and plastic surgery training was at the Columbia and Cornell campuses of the New York Presbyterian Hospital. Dr. Rothaus values the wants and needs of his patients and strives to give them the best experience possible.
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